1. Japanese 50 syllables chart
Gojū-on chart
Japanese syllables chart
Let's bring you closer to Japanese pronunciation, using your mother tongue.
And please pronounce and line up a few Japanese words.
If you could transmit 60% of the words,
the listener (native)shall be 90% understanding the content of the story,
the brain scientist says.
A conversation similar to an infant will be established.
Japanese syllables for others
Japanese syllabary diagram with Arabic letters アラビア文字で五十音図
Japanese syllabary diagram with Russian letters ロシア文字による五十音図
Japanese syllabary diagram with Persian letters ペルシャ文字による五十音図
TUFS(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Language Modules
日本語⇒発音モジュール 実践編
The Japan Foundation
Japanese Teaching Method Series (日本語教授法シリーズ)
Volume 1 The Role of Japanese Teachers / Course Design
Volume 2 Teaching speech (音声を教える)
Volume 3 Teaching letters and vocabulary
Volume 4 Teach grammar
Volume 5 Teaching to listen
Volume 6 Teaching to talk
Volume 7 Teach reading
Volume 8 Teach writing
Volume 9 Teaching beginners
Volume 10 Teach middle / advanced
Volume 11 Teach Japanese Culture and Japanese Culture
Volume 12 Evaluate learning
Volume 13 Improve teaching methods
Volume 14 Development of teaching materials
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