
Approach from picture to KANJI

I added an article titled "Approach from picture to Kanji".

In the present recognition, it seems that KANJI are handled in the right brain, and the KANA seems to handle in the left brain.


Until now, only the left brain has been recognized, and educational methods have been devised based on it. However, the growing situation of our right brain and the left brain seems to be different, and the growth of the right brain responsible for pattern recognition seems to peak at the age of three already. However, the growth of the left brain seems to be slower.


When saying what will happen there,  it will happen that you can read KANJI, although you cannot read KANA.


Using the right brain that is responsible for pattern recognition, I think that it will become easier to read more quickly.


Kids can not read the KANA yet, so the explanation of KANJI will be done with pictures.



In other words, it is translated as to whether you can connect kanji with pictures and read kanji.


Please try to practice to connect "picture" and "KANJI".

Approach from picture to KANJI 2

Approach from picture to KANJI 3